Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful for...DANCING

If there is one thing I miss the most in these weeks with my broken foot, its dancing. Before the stupid accident, I was taking 3-5 dance classes a week and going out at least that much at night. Sitting on a stool at the Casbah just isn't the same as dancing in the front next to the stage. This has only led me to watch some old music videos of some of my favorite dancers.

The Temptations. They started modern dance, they started classy group choreography. Hands down unstoppable.

What I love about Latin sexuality is that its apparent and obvious but not overdone. Its sexy for sexy's sake. Watch Shakira, her hips are leading her movements like most women would use their eyes or breasts. They way she looks at her own ass when she's moving is like "damn, even I'm impressed with you"

Aliyah, may she rest in peace.
Aliyah knew had to walk the line between innocence and sexuality, between obvious femininity and subtle boyish charm. She was classy, mature and always entertaining. I was in high school when this song came out, and who doesn't remember trying to learn the "sleep, sleep sleep" dance moves?

The black Fred Astaire. He's equal parts hood and Broadway. His giant ego shines through in his movements, but luckily he lives up to it. I like it his way.

From Crackle: Usher - My Way

Janet Jackson
Before Beyonce, before Britney, before Shakira and all those bootches...there was Janet.

nicholas brothers-their lines, techniques and precision, no tricks, just them

1 comment:

Heather Ace said...