Friday, June 29, 2007

iPhone Insanity

As a former Apple employee (retail-8 months I hacked it out in that no-commission, high-expectation arena-listening to the Chili Peppers and James Blunt all day), I know what its like to deal with the hype-sters. Fuck just invented a new word. People that like hyped gadgets+ Hipsters. Nice.

Anyway, I think that Apple STILL has the market on cool-lookingness. And let's not underestimate the power of good looks. Marilyn, Ford Mustangs (1964-69), my powerbook. Turns out the value to even get a chance to buy the $500-600 ipod/phone/web browser ma jig is worth $1500. That's supposedly how much someone in line at the NYC store was asking for his spot in line. Wow.

I just really hope the touch screen lasts more than 5 days.

Check out this video of the NYC Hypsters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

fuck the iphone. Gimmick I say! GIMMICK!!!

but I love my MacBookPro!