Friday, August 17, 2007

Radiohead Blows up the UK

Always fishing around the net for some Radiohead news (boo, hiss all you want), I’ve come upon and interesting eBay auction.

The MAG foundation, which raises money to clear the UK of landmines, got all of the artists from London’s V fest to sign a Fender Strat. Im surprised that with 20 hours left on the auction, the highest bid is around $2000.

Aparently Sir Thom Yorke (is he knighted yet?) rarely signs, well anything, even if it is for a good cause, as this is. Landmines kill someone every 20 minutes somewhere around the world.

Check out the ramshackle collector’s item here.

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In other, and a bit more disappointing Radiohead news, turns out their new album will not be released in 2007. BOO! HISS!!! How shall I make it through the dreary holidaze?

Hmm, Halloween. Fall. Cold. Yes, that might be nice.

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