Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Silver Lining Theory

So, they say bad luck happens in threes. For once they are right. As some of my friends definitely know, the past few months have been quite a shake up for me. I'd just like to share the cool things (blessings, if you will--but I wont because of the word's religious and otherworldly connotations) that have come out of crappy situations.

October-I break my foot at Scolari's Trivia Night.

Yes, I had been drinking, but this definitely not a drunken fall. It was as simple as Taylor leaving his little bike backpack too close to my seat, I got up, tripped and feel just the wrong way on my foot. The next day, the er doc said I'd be in a cast for a week. The next day my orthopedic doc said 8-15 weeks. Wow. Three months in a least I still had my "steady" job that my bank account had grown so accustomed to.

November-The company I've worked for for about 2 years finds out they did not get a giant key account and can't keep me on the payroll without it. I get laid off from a job that I enjoyed, afforded me a lot of freedom and an office that was mellow and easy to be at.

Last week-January. Heather and I were waiting to get out of the Costco in my Mitsubishi Shark. As we're stopped in the rain, waiting for the line of people to move, a Ford Explorer comes crashing into us at an unknown speed that scared the shit out of us. He backed up immediately and took off. We have no license plate and no info. The cops say there is nothing they can do. My favorite little car is totalled and some of my item I just bought at Costco are ruined.

Sounds pretty shitty, right?
It was. For weeks after breaking my foot, I was not able to get around very easily, but thanks for Heather and girls, they would get me out of the house now and then. Here are the simple and sometimes simply Divine things that happened next;

1. I was able to rewatch Lost. Not only watch it, but get so deeply involved with the show, the mythology and its characters that I hardly left my room other than to take care of bodily needs and functions.

2.Because I was disabled from even looking for a job and unemployed by being laid off, the state of California starts sending me checks each week which are more then generous to say the least. Im sorry for those of you that dont believe in socialized programs like these, but Ive been working and paying taxes for 10 years, including over 37% of my last paychecks to Uncle Sam. As mouth from The Goonies might say, when confronted with all of his unanswered wishes, "I'm taking it back. Im taking them all back." For once in my life Im out of a job but have money. This affords your brain all kinds of clarity. In addition to this, my company offered me a generous severance package, some of which Ive saved to follow-who else-Radiohead all over the US and Canada this summer.

3. Not having a job and not being pressed to look for another one immediately has made me realize that I can't go back to the 9-5 lifestyle. I was having just as good of a life when I was working at a coffee house. Sure I was making less, but the only things I really did differently when making more money was to buy too much home-y shit from TJ Maxx. I have all kinds of ideas about what I can do for work--including starting to manage and develop local bands, plan shows around the San Diego area, freelance write for City Beat once again now that I have time, start a dog babysitting thing where I take a buncha pooches to the park and dog beach during the day.

4. Ive been able to do exactly what I want to do when I want to do it. Having control of your life makes you motivated and pumped, as sarah might say. You realize how much control you have over the things you fill your day with, or the things you continue to ignore. Doing exactly what i wants including going to LA for New Years, visiting my cousin in Long Beach and taking little out of downers at the drop of a hat.

5.Since my car was hit and run, my insurance let me rent a supper silly and super fun mustang convertible. If you've never driven a convertible with the top down, I suggest you do it sooner than later. It makes driving a lot more like riding a bike, which is a good thing.

6. My mom works for the Ritz Carlton and is able to get Marriott hotels for a very cheap rate. The funny, cool and hot boy I met about a week ago decided to accompany me to a little vacation out to the Palm Desert. We got to drive through the mountains with the top down in a speedy rental car. We're now staying at the Palm Desert Villas. If this sounds like bragging, I dont care. This place is FUCKING AMAZING. Our condo is on the top floor overlooking a giant golf course, lake and palms. In the background is a giant mountain range sprinkled with bright white snow. It's 74 and sunny. Im drinking beer, getting a tan and typing on my laptop on our balcony. Is this the life? The muscle relaxer/pain pills my doc gave me for my crash pain are not bad either.
The condo is incredible. As you walk in, there is a gian open living room to your right with an L couch to fit a football team. In front of you is a dining room table and just outside a giant balcony with a table and sun chairs. The kitchen is full and there's even an ice maker. The bedroom--with its new ma tress, pillows and down comforters that turn you to butter and giant TV is enough on its own. But as you walking to the left, there is a jacuzzi tub. A GIANT JACUZZI TUB. Its like the high roller's suite. Through that tub is the actual bathroom with a shower fit for 3 and full sink. There's even a washer/drying in the kitchen. I just cant get enough of this place. I don't even want to leave the room or the balcony.

Also, my doctor recommended that I get a massage, which my car insurance covers. Tomorrow, we're getting an 80-minute Swedish "couple's massage", where you're in the same room and can chill. 80 minutes. I can't wait.

I'm walking on my foot again, have a few job opportunities and, since my car is totalled, will be getting my dad's Volvo station wagon that Ive always wanted.

Im beginning to this that this is just one giant Silver Cloud

MOST IMPORTANT: I have the best, smartest, funniest, coolest, most open minded, confident free thinking girlfriends in the world. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. Thanks is not enough for what you've all done for me in these months.

1 comment:

Heather Ace said...

Even though those are some of the most unflattering pictures of us girls, Im glad your life has taken an upswing. Way to think positive. Get that convertible back down here so we can cruise around town and sing Mariah Carey. I love you!!