Adam Gimble, local music hero, trivia master and new host of "Too Cool for Karaoke" stumbled upon a strange little message on my flier for the Golden Years Party.
"Fluff" aka Susan Olsen aka "Cindy" from The Brady Bunch commented "Prunetinis?", suggesting not only a wonderful addition to the old people theme, but also reminding us that nearly EVERYONE is on the space these days.
I loved the Brady Bunch and especially liked her character because I was the youngest of three girls as well. I didn't snitch nearly as much, but did have the whole blonde braids thing going on.
Love and mroe love goes out to Tim Pyles for handing down some sweet tickets to me and the girls at the Casbah on Sunday night.
Heather and I got to see the very last show of Travis' tour tonight at the House of Doosh. The crutches helped, as we were able to snag balcony front row seats for a nice evening of quiet Pretty Rock. The band was on fire, very smiley and lively. Their encore consisted of 6 songs, once sung completely acoustic (and the audience was actually silent for it). Overall a great night, and a free one at that.
Tomorrow, we've got tickets for Iron and Wine, another band I love but have not seen live.
Timy Pyles is by far the nicest, most generous, helpful, kind, loving, cool, funny, awesome guy to be in San Diego right now. If you see him out, be sure to say hi, as he's always up for meeting new people and having a chat, or much needed cigarette.
finally made a flier of my own...You'll be hearing about this all week, so no complaining!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dress up! It will be so funny to be partying with old people. Just wear some old, high-water pants, suspenders, wigs, old lady jewelry, stratchy pants, bad colors, bad sweaters, bad anything! Prok pie hats! Canes! Walkers! All are welcome.
If there is one thing I miss the most in these weeks with my broken foot, its dancing. Before the stupid accident, I was taking 3-5 dance classes a week and going out at least that much at night. Sitting on a stool at the Casbah just isn't the same as dancing in the front next to the stage. This has only led me to watch some old music videos of some of my favorite dancers.
The Temptations. They started modern dance, they started classy group choreography. Hands down unstoppable.
Shakira What I love about Latin sexuality is that its apparent and obvious but not overdone. Its sexy for sexy's sake. Watch Shakira, her hips are leading her movements like most women would use their eyes or breasts. They way she looks at her own ass when she's moving is like "damn, even I'm impressed with you"
Aliyah, may she rest in peace. Aliyah knew had to walk the line between innocence and sexuality, between obvious femininity and subtle boyish charm. She was classy, mature and always entertaining. I was in high school when this song came out, and who doesn't remember trying to learn the "sleep, sleep sleep" dance moves?
Usher The black Fred Astaire. He's equal parts hood and Broadway. His giant ego shines through in his movements, but luckily he lives up to it. I like it his way.
Each weekend, a handful of friends and I casually bemoan the loss of the Ivy St. House Parties. Sure, we pulled together a decent Halloween bash, but it was nothing of the likes of the Great Rivals, Summer Circus or Office Parties of yore.
That's about to change. On December 1st, were having a Retirement Party for our friends, The Muslims. Against the advice of most people here, they've decided to move up to the stinkhole of the north, LA.
But we've supported them the whole time they've played around town and we want a giant bash to send them away. Vision of a Dying World will be ushering them in.
There is no official flier yet, but BT from TPB made this one for fun
Since its a retirement party, that means its time for costumes yet again. These should be easy. Go get some old people clothes at Amvets, wear big glasses and walk slowly--which should not be hard for me. Finally, my ghetto scooter will be appropriate.
Here are some costume ideas, thanks to my wacky cousin Liz from the LBC: THIS JUST IN: Shows in the New Year (and possibly ON New Year's Eve) to include...
We were welcoming in our new roommate Lily last night and things got a big out of hand. I played my guitar so hard, I now have bloody fingers, eventually started drumming with wooden spoons and talking gibberish. Lily was falling all around the kitchen by about 5am when we decided it might be best to stop scouring the kitchen for anything with alcohol in it.
While I sleep this off, here are some interesting links to entertain you
Thursday night, we were lucky enough to get into the Casbah for free, which is nice for a penniless young lady. Matt, my favorite bartender from LiveWire and Bartender's Bible member took a night off from making me Long Island Ice Tea's and played a great show with Mr. Tube, MEX and a gaggle of others.
Perhaps the best part of the night, other than the music, was the percentage of men in flannel to, well, other people. Casbah is wonderful for so many reasons. Cheap-ish drinks, great bartenders, Tim's usually walking around (especially tonight, considering it was his birthday), Ben, when he's at the front door, it always a great mini conversation when you're waiitng for your friends. You can hear the music and smoke a cigarette, if you find a great stop right outside the door. When inside, you can still get close enough to the stage, be close to the bar and be next to friends the whole night. For me, Im less than mile away.
yay! Casbah. I love you
here are some random pics from the night. I think I met about 5 Matt's that night, one that just moved here from San Francisco, one that lives in OB, and another I keep meeting just forgetting. Yay Matts. Rosey, sddialedin was there with her slick new haircut...good to see you guys all out.
One of the perks of being on the internet for 18 hours a day, is that you find a lot of cool shit. Mostly useless youtube videos, but occassionally a promising new band.
I found these girls, err, somewhere. They're called 2 Seconds, they're from San Francisco and have got the 2 people, one guitar, one drumset Whit Stripes thing going on. Oh, and they're 16.
I'm trying to get them down here to play soon, but not sure if they even have their driver's licences.
The story behind "Steadfast Kickdrum" is that a venue owner, somewhere, told the girls "if you can't dance to it, then you cant fuck to it. If you can, that's Rock and Roll. And no one is going to drive anywhere without that."
There are usually some pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good things happening on Thursdays, and this week is no exception. Here are my choices for a wonderful night out.
-Big Lebowski on the big screen at the Museum of Photographic Arts. Every Thursday the museum puts on a film, but this week just happens to be the best film of all time. 6-9 PM, Balboa Park, $6
-Enjoy the magical sounds of Mr. Tube and the Flying Objects, Bartenders Bible and guests @ Casbah, $10
-Mario, Charles and the other Skullz spin "Mr. Postman" and other 60's soul (plus rap towards the end of the drunken night) at Livewire. The drinks are strong and you can sit in a booth and watch people try to hook up. Perfect for a cripple.
This is probably the only movie, next to Dumb and Dumber, that everyone I know either owns or has owned.
If you're a super fan of Rodents of Unusual Size, you might want to pick up the special 20th anniversary edition of this classic and quirky tale of twouu wuvvv.
Check out the beautiful amigram on the cover...
Also,watch as some of the characters reminisce about Rob Reiner's lovely fairy tale.
-Winona Rider set to play Spock's Mom in J.J. Abrams' (creator of LOST) new star Trek Prequel. Scripted by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, the film revolves around the Starfleet Academy days of the crew of the Starship Enterprise. Chris Pine has been set to play Capt. Kirk, Simon Pegg will play Scotty, Karl Urban is Dr. McCoy and Eric Bana will play the villain, Nero. Banna was awesome in Munich.
-My Bloody Valentine reunite!!! "Shields stated the album (their first since their break up in '95), will be divided in three sections. Besides the new material, the album will consist of songs from '96/'97 (work done between Shields and fellow Valentine, Bilinda Butcher) and a couple of previously unreleased tracks from '93/'94.
As for those rampant Coachella rumors, there has been no comment by Shields or anyone connected to the My Bloody Valentine camp."
-62% of people paid $0 for Radiohead's In Rainbows album. The other 38% of us paid an average of around $8, but fans in America paid the most.
-ABC fires more than 100 people from The Office and next week will be the last episode. Im so sad about this.
So, telling you I write about Radiohead a lot is getting more annoying than the actual posts. And with that I'll let you enjoy these fine video clips the boys made in the last week.
I hope it gets you excited for their upcoming 2008 tour.
Smith's Cover
My favorite-Faust Arp
Also, here's the setlist the band played in the studio while hanging out: Burial - Near Dark MIA - Pull Up the People Tomas Anderson - Happy Happy !!! - Heart of Hearts Kings of Leon - My Party AFD- Model Apprentice Jorge Ben - Take It Easy My Brother Charlie Les Baxter - The Ancient Galleon Kenny Rogers - Just Dropped In Iggy Pop - Nightclubbin' Squarepusher - My Red Hot Car Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi's Dead Iron and Wine - Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car Bonnie Prince Billy - Lessons from What's Poor Asian Dub Foundation - Naxalite Ray Charles - It should've Been Me Juana Molina - Micael Fela Kuti & the Africa 70 - Alu Jon Jonki Jon
They say bad news always comes in 3's. I hate them. According to them, I'm still waiting for the 3rd catastrophe in my life. In the last 2 weeks, I badly broke my foot (at Scolari's Trivia Night, of all places) and was laid off from my job on Friday. Fuck.
In thinking about the limited jobs I might apply for, considering all I can do it sit on my ass and be on the internet, I thought that I might get back to this blog for a while. In the past, I've only posted sporadically and without much vision or idea of where the content was going. Don't worry, all the Radiohead news you could possibly read will still pervade the pages, but I'm thinking of some new things to add. Hopefully, dear faithful (7) readers, you will find something on here that makes your shit job just a bit less shitty. Here are some weekly or daily columns that I plan on incorporating:
--Movie Reviews --Music and live show reviews and previews --Netflicks picks --Things to do instead of drinking --Invading the church of Scientology (this might take a while, but Im doing it) --Upcoming show calendar --San Diego House Parties News --Odd News stories --This week in 1982 --how to get into movies/show/events for free --Daily Pictures of Mia and Iggy
Write me on here if there is something that you've liked from the past or would like to see again.