Check out the interesting video for Cool Calm Pete's (feat. RJD2) song "Black Friday". Its one of the better "the world is shit, eat your Xanax and wait for the aliens to arrive" warning songs I've heard of recent.
Here's his myspace
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Why its called a tourist trap
Probably the worst food I've ever tried--San Diego Pier Cafe, Seaport Village
From the moment a few local friends and I mistakenly, and hungrily, decided to take our chances at this tourist trap, we were in for it. The hosts were terribly rude. One went so far as to use hand signals instead of words when we politely, and rightly, asked for 3 menues for 3 people at the table, instead of 2.
The waitress was stressed about all of the kids and tourists and when our food came, we almost thought it was a joke. One friend ordered the kid's fish and chips which was literally ROTTEN fish with a fettuchini noodle on top??!
My "pineapple burger" didnt even have a god damned pineapple on top of the severely sketchy looking beef balls comprising the "hamburger". There was shredded, unmelted cheese droplets on the burger, cold bbq sauce and flavorless other-ities.
When I asked for bbq sauce from the food runner he said "your sandwich already HAS bbq sauce on it". What a piece of shit. I was asking for the table. We needed to drown our nasty squishy onion rings in something other than sorrow. And WTF does this guy care about what Im using it for? Bring me some fucking bbq sauce you retarded mother fucker. (Sorry, it was a bad day)
Melina couldn't even eat more than her french fries. Heather and I had about one bite and then just stared at the sickness in front of us.
Finally we had to muster the courage to tell the manager that we were not paying for our food. This is a tough thing to do, especailly when you worry they are going to think you are lying. It must have been extremely ovbious to him, considering that 80% of our food was lying lifeless on the dingy plates. Get this--he didn't even appoligize! He just stood there and finally said "so, basically it was a bad experience all together" and then walked away.
From the moment a few local friends and I mistakenly, and hungrily, decided to take our chances at this tourist trap, we were in for it. The hosts were terribly rude. One went so far as to use hand signals instead of words when we politely, and rightly, asked for 3 menues for 3 people at the table, instead of 2.
The waitress was stressed about all of the kids and tourists and when our food came, we almost thought it was a joke. One friend ordered the kid's fish and chips which was literally ROTTEN fish with a fettuchini noodle on top??!
My "pineapple burger" didnt even have a god damned pineapple on top of the severely sketchy looking beef balls comprising the "hamburger". There was shredded, unmelted cheese droplets on the burger, cold bbq sauce and flavorless other-ities.
When I asked for bbq sauce from the food runner he said "your sandwich already HAS bbq sauce on it". What a piece of shit. I was asking for the table. We needed to drown our nasty squishy onion rings in something other than sorrow. And WTF does this guy care about what Im using it for? Bring me some fucking bbq sauce you retarded mother fucker. (Sorry, it was a bad day)
Melina couldn't even eat more than her french fries. Heather and I had about one bite and then just stared at the sickness in front of us.
Finally we had to muster the courage to tell the manager that we were not paying for our food. This is a tough thing to do, especailly when you worry they are going to think you are lying. It must have been extremely ovbious to him, considering that 80% of our food was lying lifeless on the dingy plates. Get this--he didn't even appoligize! He just stood there and finally said "so, basically it was a bad experience all together" and then walked away.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Puff, Pass Pass
Light it up! Turns out the constantly demonized, completely natural Marijuana plant does not, in any way, cause cancer. In fact, the nation's top weedsearch scientist has comfirmed that the THC in mj might even fight cancer-causing cells. Take that, you stupid DEA monsters that make those 'funky, cool' websites that try to equate weed with heroin, or any other obviously destructive drug. Go smoke a joint and join in the celebration that the rest of us have always know is perfectly fine, healthy, natural and downright awesome.
From The Washington Post: "The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.
The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years."
"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."
From The Washington Post: "The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.
The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years."
"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Party Friday
Behind the Yak: Bjork's Wanderlust Video

Please Note—While you can find a version of the video on Yahoo and Youtube, PLEASE do not watch those versions. They are bastardized, shit versions and, trust me, you need to see this video the way that it was intended. Watch it HERE, in the EP webpage
The following is from a conversation I had with long-time friend Sean Hellfritsch. He’s one part of directing/producing/ team Encyclopedia Pictura, which has been in the press lately due to their release of Bjork’s 3-D “Wanderlust” music video. The narrative masterpiece took Sean and his team about a year from conception to completion and if the amazing stills are any indication, it was time well spent.
I’ll never forget chatting with Sean almost a year ago, when suddenly he said, “Hold on a sec, Bjork is on the phone!” The thing you gotta know about this kid is that he is the poster child for hard work. Bjork was interested in their previous work because its very plain to see that this team has a weird yet appealing artistic vision that flows through all of their work.
He and Isaiah have got to be not only the sillies and most creative guys I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, but the ones that work 18 hour days for 6 months with nothing but a positive attitude and desire for perfection. Even when the budget for the shoot ran out, they decided to work for free—building their own 3-D camera and following through till the end. I know from working on a student project with Sean that he is not satisfied until his vision has been fulfilled.
Watch and hear the guys talk to the NY Times about magic mushrooms, building the camera, and even some comments from Bjork about their work. Click HERE
The same went for the Wanderlust video. The final product almost perfectly matched the storyboards and concept ideas that the team came up with. While they only had a few days to capture Bjork in human form, other parts of the video consist of a giant 7’ tall fiberglass yak, covered in meticulously detailed hand carved foam and paint. Technically, the face is a malleable soft foam casting made from a clay sculpture. The face also had mechanical puppet rigging for his eyelids, eyeballs, nostrils, mouth & tongue. Check out this “making of” video to see just how it came together. As far as the final version is concerned, Sean “couldn't’t be more happy with it. The 3-D is knocking everyone’s socks off”
Watch the "Making of" video:
Of course, for some, work is never done. Now that the video has premiered on both coasts—to rave reviews and packed festivals—the team is finishing up their narrative short film “Mountain Yoga”, preparing web versions of Wanderlust and getting back to real life.
It’s easy to find articles out there of Bjork praising the work of these “gorgeous computer nerds.” She liked—and trusted—them enough to be making the video while others, such as infamous creator Michel Gondry, were working on videos for other songs on the album. Not bad for a 24 year old, sharing a tiny apartment in San Francisco’s mission district, living in bunk beds and surviving off of organic produce.
Things may change a bit for the guys, but from knowing Sean, I highly doubt it will be anything along the lines of their way of life, their love and connection with nature, their kind and generous attitudes and, most of all, their work ethic that proves that you can do and create anything you can dream up.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
GOP News: Look Out Young Son Music Video
About a month ago, our basement was transformed into a dark, circus-like Vaudevillian shoot for a music video. Grand Ole Party was shooting their first music video for "Look Out Young Son" from their Humanimals LP. A team of two young directors from LA were able to rent a turn-of-the-century camera which they were filming with, and then using a high-tech HD cam to film THAT image. There was a large circle of lights set up around the band to make it look like they were inside one of those old penny arcade video machines...I'll let the pictures here do the rest of the explaining.
Look for their video in the next few weeks!

Look for their video in the next few weeks!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
He's BACK! Dan Deacon April 26th
After a somewhat disappointing show at the Epiceter a few months back-something went terribly awry with the sound-my girlfriends decided it would be a good idea to invite the admittedly somewhat sad and disappointed electro-freak Dan Deacon to play a show in the basement whenever he was back near California. We thought it a nice gesture, but one surely to be forgotten. Well, turns out he is quite the partier and really did want to play at a San Diego House Party!!
Dan is at Coachella on April 25th and will be stopping by San Diego on April 26th for a house party!
He is on tour with Kyle H. Mabson, check out these electro-freaky guys. It's a guaranteed dance party with sounds and visuals like you've never experienced.
Here are some videos to watch and see if you'd like to be there
Dan is at Coachella on April 25th and will be stopping by San Diego on April 26th for a house party!
He is on tour with Kyle H. Mabson, check out these electro-freaky guys. It's a guaranteed dance party with sounds and visuals like you've never experienced.
Here are some videos to watch and see if you'd like to be there
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Where does the money GO???
We get this question a LOT at the house parties. Just thought I'd finally clear it up for everyone.
Headliner $200
Openers (2)-$100 Each
Door Man $75
Door guy supplies-$20
Kegs & Rentals $200
Cups $50
Decorations-$30-100 ($50 average)
Various expenses (cords, plugs, lights,--things we need each party) $40
Alcohol/mixers for bands $50-200
$885-$1285—Low end to High
The People
$5 per person
about 50-75 people get in free, either list, friends or magic
Average party 200-325 people throughout the night
200-50= 150 paying people= $750
325-75=250 paying people= $1250 (which we’ve never made)
The most we’ve had come in at a party was around $1050.
The most we’ve ever made after expenses, not counting gas driving around to flier/pick up kegs, etc is $6.
Headliner $200
Openers (2)-$100 Each
Door Man $75
Door guy supplies-$20
Kegs & Rentals $200
Cups $50
Decorations-$30-100 ($50 average)
Various expenses (cords, plugs, lights,--things we need each party) $40
Alcohol/mixers for bands $50-200
$885-$1285—Low end to High
The People
$5 per person
about 50-75 people get in free, either list, friends or magic
Average party 200-325 people throughout the night
200-50= 150 paying people= $750
325-75=250 paying people= $1250 (which we’ve never made)
The most we’ve had come in at a party was around $1050.
The most we’ve ever made after expenses, not counting gas driving around to flier/pick up kegs, etc is $6.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not to be Missed: Liars and No Age at Casbah
Thursday Night! $12 now, $14 day of.
If you've never experienced the droning, loud, yet somehow tight and melodic spastic sound of Liars, you can download their newest album, "Liars" here at My Inland Empire. Click about 2/3 of the way down the page to find it. Highly recommended.
Here's what a blogger from Radio Free Chicago had to say about their live shows:
"Some music, for me at least, isn’t appealing live. It was meant to be listened to while I’m in my own element. Certain musicians move beyond the framework of an indie rock show and merge into the limitless confines of aural transcendence. Some music is meant to be experienced rather than listened to. And Liars is among the select modern bands whose music is at its most meaningful when it is live and coursing and threatened by the potential for collapse. With Liars your element is at the mercy of the band’s own terms."
"It’s besides the point to critique the sound quality of a Liars show. To be honest, I didn’t even make the slightest note of the show’s production. It was all about invigorating noise, the mushy feeling in the gut. The energy was altogether profoundly personal, profoundly sexual, and through much of the show I had my eyes closed and found myself lost in the sound of raucous guitars, grumbling, screeching vocals and pummeling beats, elevated to that height of introspection where thoughts and sounds mesh, and I forgot that I was at an indie rock show, forgot the smell of sweaty bodies, forgot that I was among a crowd of music snobs somehow unmoved."
WOW. Hope its this good at The Casbah.
LA Punksters No Age open up the set and are sure to get you going nice and early.
If you've never experienced the droning, loud, yet somehow tight and melodic spastic sound of Liars, you can download their newest album, "Liars" here at My Inland Empire. Click about 2/3 of the way down the page to find it. Highly recommended.
Here's what a blogger from Radio Free Chicago had to say about their live shows:
"Some music, for me at least, isn’t appealing live. It was meant to be listened to while I’m in my own element. Certain musicians move beyond the framework of an indie rock show and merge into the limitless confines of aural transcendence. Some music is meant to be experienced rather than listened to. And Liars is among the select modern bands whose music is at its most meaningful when it is live and coursing and threatened by the potential for collapse. With Liars your element is at the mercy of the band’s own terms."
"It’s besides the point to critique the sound quality of a Liars show. To be honest, I didn’t even make the slightest note of the show’s production. It was all about invigorating noise, the mushy feeling in the gut. The energy was altogether profoundly personal, profoundly sexual, and through much of the show I had my eyes closed and found myself lost in the sound of raucous guitars, grumbling, screeching vocals and pummeling beats, elevated to that height of introspection where thoughts and sounds mesh, and I forgot that I was at an indie rock show, forgot the smell of sweaty bodies, forgot that I was among a crowd of music snobs somehow unmoved."
WOW. Hope its this good at The Casbah.
LA Punksters No Age open up the set and are sure to get you going nice and early.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
New Restaurant: Lucha Libre Taco Shop
Lucha Libre Tacos!!!

Bottom line: Cheap (much cheaper than it tastes), close to freeways, hillcrest, AMAZING salsas, very fun and cool decor, OPEN LATE Sun-Th till 11, Fri, Sat, till 2:30.
Though some may miss Valentine's, the taco shop that used to be in the same place as Lucha Libra, be assured that "out with the with the new" is a positive statement here.
Upon seeing and entering Lucha Libra, and--err--reading the name of the place, you can tell its going to be all about Mexican Wrestling Kitch. Wrestlers spray painted on the walls, small pictures lining the walls with faces covered in Lucha masks. Even the bathroom is adorned with famous painting of past US presidents. In Lucha masks. The bright bubble gum pink and bright baby blue lining the walls may put off some, but the overall look of the place is fantastic. They've even gone so far as to put a genuine Lucha mask in the seat of each comfy chair.
With space for about 20, this new late night destination will be popular in no time. And I haven't even mentioned the food.
Ive been twice, and I must say that this is definitely my new favorite taco/late night Mexican stop. Here's what we've tried:
--Nachos: great, classic crispy chips smothered in queso, rich (kinda lard-y) beans, tons of meat or veggies, plenty of sour cream and guac to boot. Only about $5. Two of us shared these and had about half to take home!
--Tacos: Ive tried 2 of their tacos, but it should be more like 4. They are served traditional TJ style, with 2 corn tortillas and plenty of fillings to fit into both. 2 for the price of one. Their chicken is moist, marinated and not at ALL dry, taco-standy-ish. The "special" chipotle and mole sauces are incredible--much better than one might expect even from a fancier Mexican food restaurant. Try the Tops Taco, its the best. $2.25-3.25
--Tijuana Hot Dogs: How can you beat a meaty dog, covered with grilled onions and peppers for only $1.50? You can't.
Salsas--Probably the best part of the shop!
--House salsa
Tomatoes, cilantro, onions. Decenty spicy and very good.
runny and spicy, just like most like a nice hot salsa
--Creamy Cilantro
One of the best cilantro salsas I've tasted. Very thick and, full of garlic and flavor.
Very dry, but in a good way. Pineapples marinated in something spicy, along with small bits of peppers and onions. If you like fruity salsa, this one is delicious and great on tacos.
Runny and great. Nice, smoky flavor
So, basically you can get a complete meal for $4-6, including a drink! Check out this new Mexican joint, you're sure to love it!
Bottom line: Cheap (much cheaper than it tastes), close to freeways, hillcrest, AMAZING salsas, very fun and cool decor, OPEN LATE Sun-Th till 11, Fri, Sat, till 2:30.
Though some may miss Valentine's, the taco shop that used to be in the same place as Lucha Libra, be assured that "out with the with the new" is a positive statement here.
Upon seeing and entering Lucha Libra, and--err--reading the name of the place, you can tell its going to be all about Mexican Wrestling Kitch. Wrestlers spray painted on the walls, small pictures lining the walls with faces covered in Lucha masks. Even the bathroom is adorned with famous painting of past US presidents. In Lucha masks. The bright bubble gum pink and bright baby blue lining the walls may put off some, but the overall look of the place is fantastic. They've even gone so far as to put a genuine Lucha mask in the seat of each comfy chair.
With space for about 20, this new late night destination will be popular in no time. And I haven't even mentioned the food.
Ive been twice, and I must say that this is definitely my new favorite taco/late night Mexican stop. Here's what we've tried:
--Nachos: great, classic crispy chips smothered in queso, rich (kinda lard-y) beans, tons of meat or veggies, plenty of sour cream and guac to boot. Only about $5. Two of us shared these and had about half to take home!
--Tacos: Ive tried 2 of their tacos, but it should be more like 4. They are served traditional TJ style, with 2 corn tortillas and plenty of fillings to fit into both. 2 for the price of one. Their chicken is moist, marinated and not at ALL dry, taco-standy-ish. The "special" chipotle and mole sauces are incredible--much better than one might expect even from a fancier Mexican food restaurant. Try the Tops Taco, its the best. $2.25-3.25
--Tijuana Hot Dogs: How can you beat a meaty dog, covered with grilled onions and peppers for only $1.50? You can't.
Salsas--Probably the best part of the shop!
--House salsa
Tomatoes, cilantro, onions. Decenty spicy and very good.
runny and spicy, just like most like a nice hot salsa
--Creamy Cilantro
One of the best cilantro salsas I've tasted. Very thick and, full of garlic and flavor.
Very dry, but in a good way. Pineapples marinated in something spicy, along with small bits of peppers and onions. If you like fruity salsa, this one is delicious and great on tacos.
Runny and great. Nice, smoky flavor
So, basically you can get a complete meal for $4-6, including a drink! Check out this new Mexican joint, you're sure to love it!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Our First Casbah Show
Come on out to support The San Diego Burrito Project...
Check out more at
Check out more at
People Noise,
San Diego House Parties,
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Andrea's 1979 "My Husband is in the Mob--I mean Waste Managment" Party
Always nice to have people in Long Beach. Great city, cool bars and a diverse group of kids. This weekend we all dressed as super classy broads from the late 70's, chillin in Brooklyn.
Hilarity ensued once again.
At Alex's Bar was Niel Diamond/Elvis impersonator Phil Shane. Hearing 200 drunk people sing along to Sweet Caroline could have only been done right in my bright pink sequin'd out slammin' dress.
Liquor store man

Harry drank so many high balls of Jack that he didn't make it to the bar

Classy Broads

And our hubbies

The Magic of the Golden Goose Egg

Getting there...

Phil Shane

We're done

Hilarity ensued once again.
At Alex's Bar was Niel Diamond/Elvis impersonator Phil Shane. Hearing 200 drunk people sing along to Sweet Caroline could have only been done right in my bright pink sequin'd out slammin' dress.
Liquor store man
Harry drank so many high balls of Jack that he didn't make it to the bar
Classy Broads
And our hubbies
The Magic of the Golden Goose Egg
Getting there...
Phil Shane
We're done
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Gettin Out of Dodge
sometimes you just gotta do it.
After being hit pretty badly by a drunk chargers fan, and then watching him quickly leave the scene of the accident, I had had it.
Im mainly going to post some pictures from the vacation for my friends and family to see...enjoy.
On the drive...

Staying at the Marriott Desert Island Villas--thanks mom for the cheap rooms!
Kitchen, Living room and our view from the balcony

With a kitchen, there is no bar needed

Relaxing on the patio in great weather

How Mike spent his days: Guitar Hero and Sleep

We finally left the condo for dinner

Originally we were going to stay for 2 nights, but it was just all too good. So we moved from Palk Desert to the Newport Coast Villas in Snazzyy Newport Beach.
The Outside

The Inside

Champagne and Guitar Hero and Swimming were pretty much all we did. I also had an amazing massage and facial at the Spa.

The end!
After being hit pretty badly by a drunk chargers fan, and then watching him quickly leave the scene of the accident, I had had it.
Im mainly going to post some pictures from the vacation for my friends and family to see...enjoy.
On the drive...
Staying at the Marriott Desert Island Villas--thanks mom for the cheap rooms!
Kitchen, Living room and our view from the balcony
With a kitchen, there is no bar needed
Relaxing on the patio in great weather
How Mike spent his days: Guitar Hero and Sleep
We finally left the condo for dinner
Originally we were going to stay for 2 nights, but it was just all too good. So we moved from Palk Desert to the Newport Coast Villas in Snazzyy Newport Beach.
The Outside
The Inside
Champagne and Guitar Hero and Swimming were pretty much all we did. I also had an amazing massage and facial at the Spa.
The end!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Room Available at the Ivy House
Here is the post from Craigslist and some extra pics:
The House:
Large 1 story home with basement underneath and studio as well. 2 large bedrooms and one medium in house. Lots of parking, big kitchen, big shower, hardwood flooring. Covered front porch, living room with fireplace, family room with couches and TV (no cable, just movies).
Room 1: fits queen bed, desk and other things. Large window and in private area of house. Medium closet space. Access to all other rooms in house.
Roommates: 2 females and 1 male, all in mid-20's. College educated with a desire for a peaceful and clean home. We clean up after ourselves and you will be expected to as well. We all communicate and are not afraid to ask people to move/clean an area. We are liberal, 420 friendly but do not like people with a lot of drama in their lives. Prefer to stay away from anything "hard" or crazy, if you know what I mean. We do not have cable but enjoy DVDs in the basement or family room. We like to play board games, drink wine and hang out in the evenings.
You: The ideal roommate is open-minded but respectful with a steady income or job. You don't have to be our best friend, "roommate" only is welcome as well, as we respect privacy. Meeting in person would be best to see if we get along.
Other: We have large house parties/live music almost once per month. The house is safe, as we have them in the basement. Just want to warn you that the house is dirty for about 2-3 days afterwards, but other than that it is usually quiet and mellow. Would prefer someone that wants to stay at least 6 months, but on a month to month basis.
We have small and friendly dogs. SMALL dogs welcome that get along with ours. Might consider cats if they like dogs.
Room available Feb. 1st. Deposit is one month's rent--$675, to be paid back when moving out with 30 days notice.
Bills usually total around $35-50 for Gas, Electric, Water and high-speed Internet.

The House:
Large 1 story home with basement underneath and studio as well. 2 large bedrooms and one medium in house. Lots of parking, big kitchen, big shower, hardwood flooring. Covered front porch, living room with fireplace, family room with couches and TV (no cable, just movies).
Room 1: fits queen bed, desk and other things. Large window and in private area of house. Medium closet space. Access to all other rooms in house.
Roommates: 2 females and 1 male, all in mid-20's. College educated with a desire for a peaceful and clean home. We clean up after ourselves and you will be expected to as well. We all communicate and are not afraid to ask people to move/clean an area. We are liberal, 420 friendly but do not like people with a lot of drama in their lives. Prefer to stay away from anything "hard" or crazy, if you know what I mean. We do not have cable but enjoy DVDs in the basement or family room. We like to play board games, drink wine and hang out in the evenings.
You: The ideal roommate is open-minded but respectful with a steady income or job. You don't have to be our best friend, "roommate" only is welcome as well, as we respect privacy. Meeting in person would be best to see if we get along.
Other: We have large house parties/live music almost once per month. The house is safe, as we have them in the basement. Just want to warn you that the house is dirty for about 2-3 days afterwards, but other than that it is usually quiet and mellow. Would prefer someone that wants to stay at least 6 months, but on a month to month basis.
We have small and friendly dogs. SMALL dogs welcome that get along with ours. Might consider cats if they like dogs.
Room available Feb. 1st. Deposit is one month's rent--$675, to be paid back when moving out with 30 days notice.
Bills usually total around $35-50 for Gas, Electric, Water and high-speed Internet.
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